Annual Awards Presentation 2019/2020

Congratulations to all the nominees and award receivers for the Annual Awards Presentation 2019/2020. Words can’t express how proud we are of all of you. Here’s to reaching even greater heights and achieving greater accomplishments! From our founder, Mr...

Tale By President Xi Jinping

Three sentences given to him by the father of Chinese President Xi Jinping When I was a child, I was a selfish child. I have always thought of myself. I never thought about the feelings of others. As a result , my companions left me alone. For this reason, I am very...

Great Happiness

Not long ago I answered a telephone call from an old friend I’d not heard from for a long time. “Hi, Steve,” he said. “I just wanted to see how you’re getting along.” For whatever reason, our paths had simply not crossed for months....


如果在合約和介紹之中只能擇一時,你會選擇哪一個?我想大部分的人都會回答「合約」。然而,身為業務員的你,若想要獲得大成就,就必須立即改掉這個觀念。 倘若你沒有獲得客戶的介紹,只是簽了一份合約,那麼想從這個客戶身上開拓的客源就此斷了線。除了這一份合約之外,什麼也得不到。...


講到「說服力」這三個字時,很多人會直接聯想到:「我知道,就是像業務員做的那套,先天花亂墜把你唬得一愣一愣的,再對你施壓,讓你不得不埋單的那套嘛。」但如果你把說服力想成是一個有效的敘事方法,把一個點子的好處和邏輯說出來,以獲取大家的認同,那麼人人都需要學如何說服他人。 《Inc.》的專欄作家傑夫‧海頓(Jeff Haden)認為,成功的人都有著絕佳的說服能力,並歸納了幾個超有說服力的人所擁有的習慣: 1. 他們採取大膽的立論你一定認為數據和說理才能說服成功,是吧?...

2015 New year. Happier me

来源:沪江英语  iciba Before we raise our champagne flutes and toast to the beginning of the New Year, here are 15 ways we can be happier when it’s time to greet 2015. 在我们举起香槟酒,共庆新年伊始之前,给出以下15个能让我们在迎接2015年之际变得更快乐的方法。 1. Slow down and enjoy the little moments....